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52 Card Pickup: Dealer's Choice - Recorded

52 Card Pickup: Dealer's Choice - Recorded

52 Card Pickup: Dealer's Choice 

An edited and recorded version on a workshop originally held live via Zoom on July 23, 2023 and now housed on YouTube.

The Lowdown

Deal me in. Turn an ordinary deck of cards into mixed media magic, card by card and layer by layer. Join me for a new, updated version of my all-time favorite workshop to teach: 52 Card Pickup: Dealer’s Choice. This is the first time I am teaching it where the dealer (YOU) gets a choice – both before AND after the workshop.

We all start with a deck of cards and then the fun begins. Together we will add layers, lots of layers, to build 104 (!) surfaces that are uniquely your own. The techniques are ALL ABOUT letting go, trusting the process, creating without thinking, accepting those mistakes, and making a HOT MESS – the good kind. The approach we are taking here can also be applied to your own art practice and can be especially helpful if you find yourself dealing with a dreaded creative block.

You may be asking…what CHOICE(s) do I have?

Your first choice begins even before the workshop starts as you prep the materials from the supply list (see below). Everybody starts with a deck of cards. In my original version of this class, all participants were required to cover both sides of all 52 cards with black gesso. For this version, you can now CHOOSE among 3 options: add black gesso to both sides OR add white gesso to both sides OR add black gesso to one side and white gesso to the other. That last one is my choice for sure!

Your last choice BEGINS after the actual workshop ENDS. You will leave the class with a (very) layered deck. During the workshop, we discuss options for what can come next. MAYBE you will add collage. MAYBE you will turn the deck into a year-long, weekly journal. After all, there are 52 cards in a deck and 52 weeks in a year. Coincidence? I think not. MAYBE you want to find a way to bind the cards into a book. Hmmmmmm…MAYBE how about a box? Options will be shared and YOU will make the choice.

The supply list can be found at the end of this description.

The Skinny

  • The workshop is hosted on YouTube.
  • The class includes nearly 4 1/2 hours of instruction, broken down into 6 videos.
  • Please note that this is a recording of a live online class and, as such, there may be references to questions asked and comments made by participants.
  • Cost of the workshop is $110USD via PayPal only. Your PayPal receipt is considered confirmation that you registered. 
  • There are no refunds once registered.
  • Once you complete your purchase, you will receive an email (from either Seth Apter or Janene Kalb and usually within 24 hours of registering) that includes a PDF in the form of an email attachment that includes the same supply list as printed below as well as instructions on how to access the workshop.
  • Please do not share the workshop link as it is meant only for paid participants.

The Supply List: 

If you would like to work along with me, please have the following on hand. But please know that you can feel free to substitute if you do not have exactly what is on the list.

Deck of Cards. As noted above and IN ADVANCE OF THE WORKSHOP, please do one of the following: cover both sides of each card in the deck with black gesso, cover both sides of each card in the deck with white gesso, cover one side of each card with black gesso and the other side with white gesso.

Gesso. We are using the gesso to cover the slick coated cards IN ADVANCE OF THE WORKSHOP to give more tooth for the other supplies to grab and also to cover the designs of the cards themselves. The coverage doesn’t have to be perfect. You do not need to have the gesso for the class itself.

Acrylic Paint. Have an assortment of your favorite colors available, making sure to include some light colors.

Paint Brushes, Water Container & Paint Palette. Please note that my favorite brushes to use are the cheap, chip brushes from the hardware store.

Dye Ink Sprays. Have an assortment of your favorite colors available.

Ink Pads. Permanent ink is best and preferred (examples include StazOn, Archival, or The Moon & the Maker) but you can make any type of pad work. Dark colors will work best.

Textured Paper. I will be using textured wallpaper samples but any flexible, textured surface will work.

Stamps. Have an assortment of your favorite ready. Unmounted work best, as do background or mark making designs.

Stencils. Have an assortment of your favorite ready. Background or mark making designs work best.

Craft or Make-Up Sponges.

Favorite Mark Making Tools. Your choice of pencils, journal pens, crayons, paint pens, etc.

Paper Towel, Baby Wipes, and/or Clean-up Cloth.